Tunde and I had been married only three years, but our marriage seemed like it’d been three decades old already; it was a rare privilege if we ever had a night to make love in two months. No time (or according to him, “no ginger”; to make love, cook or enjoy homemade food, or go out anywhere for a fun weekend.

Chores and tasks came in torrents and kept on sucking both our romance and mutual-affection tanks dry.

We are your typical metropolitan couple, meaning; we both had really lofty aspirations for the future of our two adorable kids and both our communities. We worked really hard!

Like I said, I’m a mom of two sweet rascals, who works in foreign exchange, is enrolled in weekend classes for my MBA, and was also always working (only in my head) on a business plan for a cosmetic blog that’s been my dream since like forever.

Hubby, on the other hand, works as the Head of Operations at a security company. With a head full of excellent ideas for pet projects in entertainment and art, (which never really get executed, but rather shelved till later because; “no time… no ginger”).

Don’t misunderstand me, My husband is a very diligent man at his day job; to the detriment of quality family time of course.

Talk about a moving train… his was so fast, he barely settled down before the next call/text message to “look into the matter” found its way onto his phone. I’d watched this incessant cycle repeatedly every day for five years until it became so unpleasant and seemed like there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Although we had help in the house, yet mothering, being an ideal wife, schooling, supervising the house help, yet finding time to care for myself, my immediate and extended family was so mentally multi-tasking, sometimes I felt like running away!

We were practically running to the end of our lives without really living. At the rate, something kept telling me we’d get there so quick, without any memories of the trip.

Personal and joint hopes, ambitions and desires to achieve the really great ideas we had kept getting shelved in the dusty back-room of our subconscious. It had become so easy to console ourselves with “I’ll try tomorrow“.

There was one time I discussed a very ‘splufic’ food business idea with my girlfriend Chioma. We kind of lost touch, until last month when I discovered that she was the owner of the popular @SpluficKRice Instagram account and food website that even I had been following foolishly and once ordered lunch from.

My friend stole my idea and had been selling it back to me!!

It was all so depressing until I got introduced to Penpreneur, a very gifted team of writers, graphic and web designers, editors, consultants and trainers who offered us (Tunde and I) very professional solutions for our creative and project writing, business planning and proposal needs.

They worked hand-in-hand with us to develop, implement and maintain relevant and comprehensive strategies, grow a prototype for my cosmetology business on and offline, write scripts for my husband’s artists, helped them manage their websites and social media presence, and even develop proposals to pitch the company to international investors. All the while, protecting our identity and helping us free up time to meet our other lifestyle objectives.

I am extremely happy with their first-class business strategies and concept development methods. With sterling experience and many creative resources in influential writing, account management, strategy, marketing, and business development, particularly in the digital space (i.e. SEO, SEM, social, content, digital media, email marketing, shopper marketing and others), I rely on them so much to bring fresh approaches to the numerous ideas my husband and I have. My blog’s content is more marketable and visible to the world. New customers and partners keep calling, old ones keep looking to do business with us.

With our resourceful partners at Penpreneurs, the worst is behind us. My husband is more at ease and attentive as he has all the help he needs to reinforce the trust of old clients and evoke new customers, even while we are away on vacation.

Don’t let life catch you with your guards down. You need a Penpreneur too.





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